速報APP / 生活品味 / Maria and Jovi Wedding

Maria and Jovi Wedding





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Maria and Jovi Wedding(圖1)-速報App

Maria and Jovi are getting married on 20-03-2017. The memorial app is to introduce their story such as when they met and how they meet. The app record their wedding ceremony, sweet moments and also provide information about their wedding for guests. Let’s share the joy and happiness.

Maria and Jovi Wedding(圖2)-速報App

Congratulation! Maria and Jovi are getting married on 20-03-2017. The memorial app is to introduce their story such as when they met and how they meet. Moreover, the app record their wedding ceremony, sweet moments and also provide information about their wedding for guests. Let’s share the joy and happiness.

Maria and Jovi Wedding(圖3)-速報App

Download the app now! Know more about their story and you can recall the unforgettable memory and throwback the time after the wedding. Hence, you can take a look of their wedding photography in the app.

Maria and Jovi Wedding(圖4)-速報App